If you are looking to get a strong set of abs, and a lean body, then you might be wondering how to get the most out of your current workout. One great idea is that you can use planks for this. Planks are a great way to build strength in your core and other muscles, as well as strengthen them. Using planks will also help improve your posture which will make it easier for you to carry yourself with ease.

In addition to helping you build strength, planks can increase your stamina. This is because it will help you achieve a faster heart rate and keep your body pumping with many calories being burned from the exercise! It can also help you to feel more comfortable in the clothes that you wear. Therefore, there is little doubt that this is a great way to get rid of any unwanted belly fat. In this article, we are going to give you a list of the top 5 plank exercises.

1. Wide Plank Hold

This is one of the easiest and most popular plank workouts. The only thing that you need to do to use this is to hold your body in a straight line so that you do not lean over towards the floor. Your weight should be equally distributed on both your arms and hands, which is usually positioned at the sides of your body. This will help you to strengthen the abdominals and back muscles, as well as help spread out your pressure through out the whole body as well.

2. Plank Twist Hold

This is a good plank workout for those who want to get more movement and improve flexibility in their body. To do this exercise, you will need to hold your body into the same position as you would with the wide plank hold that we discussed above. The only difference is that you will be reaching one hand as far as possible to one side of your body. Stay in this position for half a minute before switching hands and holding the other hand out.

3. Plank Slides

These are great exercises because they help to improve your balance and core strength. To do this exercise, you will need to begin by holding yourself in the plank position. However, you will then slide one arm out towards the side of your body as far as possible before sliding it back. Do this exercise three times on both sides before switching sides and repeating the process again.

4. Plank Push-Ups

This is a great exercise for those who want to work on their upper body strength, as well as strengthen their core. To do this exercise, you simply need to hold your body in the plank position before performing a push-up. Make sure that you rest your forearms on the ground and keep your core strong by not letting it sag towards the floor.

5. Plank Crunch

This is another great exercise for improving your core strength and abdominal muscles. To do this exercise, you will need to begin by getting into the plank position on your hands and knees. Once you are in this position, then you will need to hold yourself there while bringing your knees up towards your body until they are at a right angle. Make sure that you hold the position for half a minute before letting yourself go back down again.


These are just some of the many plank exercises that we have discussed in this article.

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